Berbagi Cermin Hidup...

Adalah niatanku (dan mereka yang turut berkisah) untuk saling berbagi proses dan hasil perenungan hidup kami. Aku masih seorang pemula, dan pasti juga bukan perintis. Kita teruskan saja apa yang pernah dan masih menjadi baik.
Jika kau bisa menemukan cerminmu di kisah-kisah yang kuceritakan, aku ikut merasa senang. Jika tidak, berbagilah dengan orang-orang lain, karena mungkin seseorang yang lain bisa menemukan cerminnya di situ.
Mari berbagi cermin hidup.

Kamis, 29 November 2012


And so this is what your world can best give to you

You were born to life
Now you are wedded to death
Your dreams stop in a snap
Just like that.
Such a cruel joke

How silly it feels to have ever been born at all.
And then what?
You are so young and were so ready for life
This is so wrong
Should not end this way

Your mother hushed you and did what she could for your swollen eyes
“Momma, I don’t want to get married. Not yet, not like this.”
She told you again that you had no choice
This is our tradition. Our fate.  

People out there are crowding to celebrate whatever
They feast, have fun and all that
You, in your room weep and weep and weep,

You look at the sky
Raising your hands, sending your questions
What do you know?
God has always been so silent

It’s dark.
You are free-falling
Into emptiness.
And you cry some more untill there will be no tears left

(I am crying for you, girl... I am sorry, there was nothing I could do for you as I passed your house in the middle of your wedding preparation and heard your story from some stranger I met during my journey.)

AKB, 29 November 2012

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